"This blog is the after math of a boy in
New York City trying to really live"

Aug 9, 2010

Game Night!

So it's GAME NIGHT again at the Adams-Bruno household! Something we take very seriously. AT LEAST once a week we invite people over to have some game inspired frivolity! Tonight, we played the "The Paper Game" AKA Celebrity and Chubby Bunny (The object is to stuff as many marshmallows in your cheeks as you can and still audibly say the words "Chubby Bunny") I was the chubbiest Bunny tonight!

The Paper Game supplies!

The ridiculously difficult names that made it into the bowl... "CRISPUS ATTUCKS"? The only Black Founding Father!... That's how we roll!

Chubby Bunny supplies!

My Favorite Chubby Bunnies!

"Hubby Bubby"? What?

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