"This blog is the after math of a boy in
New York City trying to really live"

Aug 8, 2010

Apples to Oranges, my new procrastination.

Here I am at the edge of a new blogging frontier. It's 6:20am and I've yet to go to sleep so I chose the logical solution... I created a blog. "Apples To Oranges"- my brand spankin' new virtual outlet. Why "Apples to Oranges" you ask? Why not. Who ever said you couldn't compare the two? Who ever said you could't do anything. This blog is for anyone who's ever thought for the sake of thinking, laughed for the sake of laughing, and loved for the sake of loving. First and foremost this blog is me. Inspired by my life, inner and outer. This blog is the after math of the life of an odd boy in New York City trying to really live. So please, stick around as I pick my brain to see what I can give you all... and if its apples and oranges that come out... then I promise that won't stop me from sharing OR comparing.

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